Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Princess

Tomorrow, June 6th, marks a very important day for me.

It's the day I became a Mom...

of a girl.
(as I write this---say this---tears well up in my eyes, my head cocks to the side, and a grin immediately takes over my face)

I remember the day I found out I was pregnant. Whew. What a whirlwind of emotion that day held! Our family had just lost our home in the flood and the life we were living was one of survival. It was a very tough life we were living. It really was.

And a pregnancy....a baby! not what I had anticipated at that time. But as time rolled by, I became more and more excited to meet this little one growing inside of me.

I had a feeling from the beginning that I would be giving birth to a baby girl, but it wasn't until the Ultrasound Tech told us the news (she told Greg she was 99.9% sure he could go and buy PINK!), were we completely confident. I remember tears streaming down my face...I so desperately wanted a girl.

There were times of deep doubt for me as the next month or two rolled around. I wasn't sure if I could be a good Mommy to a girl. I mean...I'm a tomboy...I rarely paint my nails...I like to dive after softballs in the in the world could I teach a little girl to be.....girly?!!?

Thankfully, that has come about pretty easily as I have discovered that I can teach my little one how to approach insects and bugs with care and prance around the house with a dress on and her nails painted. I am enjoying each and every stage of her life and the joy it brings. Our family wouldn't be the same if it weren't for the little spunky, blonde-haired girl who sings, "We are the Champions" (at the top of her lungs, mind you), enjoys watching "Tangled" and "Toy Story" and who, at the drop of a hat, will collapse in my lap, saying, "nummy." I enjoy eating brownies, singing "I love you, a bushel and a peck," taking baths, making pancakes, snuggling, cooking, dancing, looking for bugs, reading, praying, drawing, running, laughing, and enjoying life with her.

Let me tell you that the last two years have brought more joy in my life as I watch my son be a phenomenal big brother, my Husband come alive when he looks into the gorgeous blue eyes of our princess, and the way my heart bursts with joy when I share moments with her that no one else can share.

Without going into it too much, let's just say that God has done a lot of redeeming in my life and He has used a beautiful, precious baby girl to bring it to light. I am honored to be her Mommy and to be a woman who she can look up to and possibly admire someday. She has passion, spunk, and a fire in her eyes that is unmatchable...and I get to shepherd her, guide her, and teach her about the One who loves her more than she'll ever understand.

I don't take this responsibility lightly, either. I take it one breath, one step, one minute, one day at a time, savoring each and every moment I get to spend with my precious, Samara {hebrew for 'protected by God'} and believing that God has and is redeeming my story with this amazing gift

Happy birthday, Samara Nickole Huffman.

i ♥ you.

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