Monday, February 28, 2011


Something is stirring inside of me.

It's been going on for quite some time.

I wish that I could pinpoint exactly what it is.

but i can't.

Sometimes I want to run away....far, far away....and just chill with God in a beautiful land full of waterfalls and exotic animals that make me smile and my own organic garden where I can walk outside and eat breakfast in the raw.

and other times?

I want to move to Michigan. I long for community in the deepest part of my soul and I know I can find it there.

because I already have.

On other days, I long for something completely different.

expanding my family. moving to India. exploring Ecuador. selling all i have and moving to a far, desolate land where everything i worry about now is just 'vapor.'

my soul yearns for something deeper.

i believe God made it this way.

I want to be someone different.

i am someone different.

i am not who i was.

and I thank God for this often.

"Talitha Cumi."

Yes, Lord.... ♥

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